Learners in T3, T4 cities who does not have access to affordable quality education.
Automate administrative functions, regulate learning activities, integrate resources and
empower stakeholders for better learning outcome.
Vridhee Innovations Private Limited is your trusted partner for various education products, AI/MLenablement, services, CRM and solutions. Vridhee offers a wide range of tech-driven resources, which are designed keeping the end in mind. These are customized to meet your ultimate expectations, appreciating the immense power of modern technology. Our solutions help our customers and various stake holders achieve a pedagogical transformation in modern technologies. We adopt ?best practices? from the flourishing global IT industry to create unique case studies which provide complete end-to-end solutions to any complex learning requirements.
Vridhee is one of the leading companies in the field of education and technology. We use the power of technology to assist educators and learners to achieve great success. We enable educators to integrate the right technology, thereby making teaching and learning more interactive and collaborative. Our Blended Learning platform along with its resources and tools automate the administrative functions, regulate learning activities and empower all stake holders for better outcome. The cloud based All-in-One platform impacts almost every aspect of an educational institution, right from Admission to Alumni management.
At Vridhee, we have a mix of young and experienced minds of passionate people who are willing to raise-the-bar. We not only work together, but take risks, solve problems and constantly learn, innovate and contribute to bring innovation. We encourage our people to learn, unlearn and relearn at every opportunity.
We are glad to demonstrate to you, through this response, that we have the capabilities, people, processes, technology and the desire to be your strategic partner of choice.
Vridhee is an emerging EdTech & service driven company serving the global education community. Our deep understanding of pedagogy and technology works to transform lives and societies. We are proud to partner with the education fraternity and provide endless possibilities for achieving excellence. We help to shape each learner?s journey in-campus and off-campus to prepare them for a successful tomorrow.
We provide effective learning and working experience to stakeholders for a quality outcome. We use the power of technology to assist educators and learners to achieve great success by igniting their minds. The Blended Learning Platform along with its resources and tools automate the administrative functions, regulate learning activities and empower all stake holders for better outcome.
Innovation: Work in latest technology and to provide the best solution & service to our customer and end user.
Automate, Integrate, Regulate, Connect & Empower through our product, solution and service.
To empower mentors/teachers with better earning, recognition, respect, training & technology.
Make education more inclusive, affordable, equitable and accessible to all sections of society.
To make everyone understand their real inner strength and realize to "be a better you" with every small steps.
To hold hands when required most & make them understand that you are not alone in this journey to realize importance of life.
On 31st March, 2021 Dipyaman and Dipanwita were driving from Kolkata, West Bengal (India) to Balasore, Odisha (India) for a business meeting. On the way to NH-16 near Kolaghat They stopped for a small tea break. It was a small tea stall where an old man was preparing the tea and a kid was doing multiple tasks like washing and serving the tea. Without thinking much as most of people do, They asked the kid his age, he hesitated a little but eventually said 13. Hearing that Dipyaman immediately thought, that this is child labor and the kid needs to go to school. He asked him if he goes to school in the same taunting manner that idiotic intellectual does without thinking much of reality. He said, he left school almost 3 years ago and happy to work and earn money since then. Again they started giving lectures about how important education is for life and without education he will remain in tea stall for the rest of his life and blah blah... He listened to us very carefully (as we were the only customer that time) and then said something which affected both of them enormously and made them think about it.
Wondering what was his response? He said though he does not have the time for school (as he has to earn money to support his family) he studies. He will not be working in the tea stall for his entire life but he will design and make beautiful cars one day. In his brother's (who works in a car garage) mobile, he watches YouTube videos of car mechanics whenever he gets time and is a big fan of some shows Leepu & Pitbull though his understanding of English is not that good. He even asked Dipyaman to request Leepu (who is from Bangladesh) to make some videos in Bengali. Also whenever he and his two other friends (who also want to design cars) get some time, they help his brother learn more about cars. He also mentioned when PM Modi (Prime Minister of India) can be PM working in a tea stall then why he cannot design big beautiful cars one day.
That day I had learnt few very important things from that kid in Kolaghat, which are as follows:
The learning that we received that day from a kid of 13 years gave birth of ?Vridhee?. To build any solution, we need to do a lot of research around the problem and that is what we did. With our 15 years of experience in educational industry we knew that the numbers will be big but knowing the actual numbers is a different feeling completely:
Learners in T3, T4 cities who does not have access to affordable quality education.
Adults are illiterate globally
[Not aware of education necessity. Feels daily necessity is more important than education]
Learners are involved in Skill Development program in India who need industry based outcome learning.
Though Dipyaman went through lots of global data about problems in 21st century education, studied reformed circulars by various government officers and educationalists around the globe to know what others are thinking but still felt that without talking to the real people on the ground we may miss something, so last 9 months we discussed and surveyed a different kind of people (also our relation with institutions helped us a lot). We definitely knew that a platform for learners will be of no use without a strong community of teachers or academic mentors. Most of the paid online platforms (MOOC) or very few free educational platforms hired teachers on a contract basis and tried to build a mentorship program but eventually left a very huge number of teachers vulnerable to this new trend of content-based online learning. We understood this when we met an English teacher accidentally in Varanasi, India on 24th August 2021.
Vridhee survey was in full swing which made them reach Varanasi in August. We met a young lady in her early thirties in a Photostat shop who came to print pamphlets. Dipyaman attention went to her when he saw some kids wishing her good morning while passing by the shop. I looked into one of the pamphlet which is about joining an English tutor class. Dipanwita went close to her and started a conversation and what we found is that she is elder to her 3 siblings and the main source of income for her family. She is well-known in her locality for teaching English, which we understood from the three kids who passed by a few minutes back. It was clear from their good morning wish that they really liked her a lot.
But when pandemic hit, the situation changed a lot and she lost many students in the duration. No one was there to help her with online teaching. She took some time but eventually, she learned how to teach online from YouTube. But now a lot of her past students are learning from technology companies where watching videos and online tests are trends as their parents thought those applications would give better results which was explained to them by some sales executive that without those contents the kid?s future will be lost and the kid will be losing to all his friends since all are using their platform.
She applied in a few companies as an English teacher but got no response, she feels science and math teachers are more in demand and not English. Dipyaman and Dipanwita felt terrified when she said that she might switch profession if the situation doesn?t improve soon. Once a well-known teacher is now getting ready to distribute pamphlets as a last hope to be in the profession.
Can you imagine a society without teachers ? Teachers are arguably the most important members of our society. They give children purpose, set them up for success as citizens of our world, and inspire in them a drive to do well and succeed in life. A teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination, and instill a love of learning. But now it is becoming a thankless profession where recognition and income are the lowest.
With all the data collected, we made a list of problems which learners and teachers are facing in real life. Kindly find below, our researched data highlighting the problems we identified.
Thus, Vridhee represents 3C, Campus, Curriculum and Community.
We from Vridhee request you to come and join us in this journey of #educationforall and be part of the Vridhee family. Help us to build this platform which makes quality education accessible to all. Only education can make the world a better place for us.
We would appreciate your contribution in any form,
Let's make one big community for the "growth" of our future.
For any kind of question or query, please write to us @ talktous@vridhee.com or visit our website www.vridhee.com
- Benjamin Franklin
We are ready to help you take learning to new heights.